Note: updates are no longer being done


winter beach
two herring gulls dip
into sunrise

Catherine J.S. Lee
Daily Haiku April 14/09

sudden shower
the screech of a gull
or clothesline?

Susan Constable
Bottle Rockets, Feb/08

day moon
a lone gull floating
on the water

Susan Constable
3Lights Gallery, April/08

empty stands
a seagull chases
a ketchup cup

Susan Constable
Simply Haiku, May 2009

cold wind
seagulls and tourists

Natalia L. Rudychev

soccer field
a seagull inside
the goal zone

Dave Bacharach

through the night
- herring gulls

overcast day
a gull tips its wing
to the loch

Colin S. Jones

sea birds home
on shores of booming surf
the unused songs

cutting up
a cove's high seas
the soaring gull

high winds
blowing gulls
into blue-white

Jane Reichhold
A Dictionary of Haiku

seagull moon
the sky still blue
this evening

Deborah P Kolodji
Roadrunner, Nov/05

gentle waters
the sting ray glides through
a gull's reflection

Deborah P Kolodji
Seaside Moon, Saki Press, 2005

rain stopped
in the park
gulls tap-dance for worms

Scots version:
weet stapt
in the perk
maws jiggin fir wirms

two gulls
aware of the tourist
pirouette and pose

Scots version:
twa maws
tentie o the towerist
birl syne sort thirsels

John McDonald

gulls graffiti the pier -
white warnings scream
tourists beware

seagull in flight -
legs folded neatly beneath
as I sprawl across the lawn



out-migrant seagulls
no passage geese

Natalia L. Rudychev

summer fog --
a gull disappears
into the jetty

hortensia anderson

white mist
a sea gull
on a lamppost

Beth Vieira

gale wind
a laughing gull
on one foot

h. gene murtha

quiet sunrise
and the seagulls
all sing the same tune

Mike Rehling

Haiga, Ukku Spring Haiku, 2006

above the garbage scow
a flying circus—
the piping of gulls

Denis M. Garrison
Simply Haiku, Summer 2006

bridge traffic stalled ...
a gull flies in place
against the wind

Zane Parks
Amber (April 1995)

gull wings
lifting the light
from the sea

along the cliff
wing tips of gulls
at eye level

a sea gull circles
surf songs

Jane Reichhold
A Dictionary of Haiku

a seagull blackens
toward the horizon -
ebb tide

Lorin Ford
Haiku Harvest

a solo gull
wings into blue --
shadows ripple


falling down
onto rush hour traffic
seagull feathers

down side streets -
seagulls turning the sky
in and out

Alan Summers

golden scale clouds
gulls in and out of sunlight

Martin Gottlieb Cohen

the Blue Mosque
sea gulls floating on
the muezzin's call

Rudi Pfaller
